Friday 27 June 2014



Hello ! Welcome to Rumah Kedah / House of Kedah. Lets take a look at the house first :)

Kedah Traditional House is basically made up of three sections. The first section is the Serambi or Anjung which is an open space, located in front of the house. The Serambi is a connecting space between the stairs of the house and the main body of the house. This Serambi or Verandah is normally used by male for weaving trawls and fishing net.


 Next is the main area of the house or in Malay we call it Ruang Tamu. this area is a big space where there usually decorated with some furnishings such as chair, table and television. This space is usually the biggest space of the house, and often used as the place of family gathering. 

Another main area in this Kedah Traditional House is the kitchen. Kitchen is the place where the people use to cook and eat. There are many cooking faciliities usually kept in the kitchen area. people will sit on the floor and enjoy their meal with the family in the kitchen area. 

Other than the main area of the Kedah Traditional House is the bedrooms. The bedrooms are usually located near the main hall or Ruang Tamu. There are at least two bedrooms in the house. The rooms are decorated with mirror, cupboard and bed. 

The shape of the Kedah Long Roofed House is almost similar to the Perlis Long Roofed House except for the arrangement of the various recesses of the house. 

The Kedah Long Roofed House is elongated and has a long horizontal roof with 'tabir layar' (gable end) at the ends. The Kitchen roof is lower than the main area and the whole structure looks like an elephant  suckling her young. 

This house stands on several posts or stilts of which the main area has more than 20 stilts. the material used for making the stilts are Cengal, Meranti and Damar Laut wood and bamboo whereas the roof is from the Rumbia, Nipah and Senggora tiles.

These are the views of the Kedah House from different side of view.

That's all about the Kedah Traditional House. Till we meet again in another entry. See ya ! 


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