Saturday 28 June 2014



 Hey there! I'm introducing the house of Johor. 
The traditional Malay House in Johor well known as ‘Rumah Limas Bugis’ or Bugis Five-Roofed House.

The house style is influenced by the Bugis of Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is easily recognized by the long ridged roof (Perabung Panjang), which is joined to four ridges, which project outwards to the four edges of the roof. 

The special about it is the edge of the roof is decorated with carvings. This type of house can be found a lot in the Pontian District. The main characteristic of this house is that at the ends of each main ridge are upright sharp wooden projections. 
The materials used for construct ‘Rumah Limas Bugis’ include ‘Cengal’, ‘Keranji’, ‘Penak’ and ‘Meranti’ wood that can easily found in Malaysia.

The layout design of traditional Malay house in Johor consists of the verandah, which is connected to the front room (anjung). The verandah always used as a living area for the family. It is separated from the main house (rumah ibu) by a wall.

Once you step into the verandah, you can see the traditional music instruments, but , the visitor have already noted that they cannot touch the instrument.

The main house and kitchen are separated by a passage called “ruang selar or selasar.

While you walk into the house, you can see the traditional dress at every corner of the house. 

One of the room in this house.

The kitchen of this house.

 The visitor also can read the history about the house as to gain more information about the house.

Keep waiting for our updates...! :)

Friday 27 June 2014



Helloo ! Welcome to the Traditional House of Perak ! Here is the amazing Perak House :

Basically, Perak House is called the ‘Rumah Kutai’. ‘Kutai’ means old. Rumah Kutai only located by the banks of the Perak River. Perak House is different with any other traditional house as it have no verandah or serambi. The house only have the stair that connect the outdoor and indoor of the house. 

The main area of the Perak House is the living room. Perak House have a big living room and used by the family to rest and gather. There will be some furnishing and decorations in this area. This area is big enough to be used by the children to play and also used to welcome the guests. 

Next, the Kitchen. Perak House have a big kitchen which used for cooking and preparing meals. The family also use the kitchen for dining. They usually put some 'Labu Sayong' in the kitchen, to be used for cooking and storing foods. 

Last but not least, the bedrooms. It is normally at least two bedrooms in a Perak House. the Bedrooms are filled with bed and mirror and cupboard. 

The Rumah Kutai has rare traditional long roof with the gable end. Most of the house has an attic at the base of the gable end, which used mainly for storage. The walls and floors of Rumah Kutai made entirely of bamboo matting, which allow natural ventilation and reduce glare. It’s different from other traditional house, which prefers used timber as a wall and floor panel.

 The main section of the Rumah Kutai has 12 or 16 posts. The interior is undivided and on the same level. It is made up of the verandah, living room and a room. At the back is the kitchen, which is separated by an unroofed passage. The window and door openings constructed very small and its effects the lighting in the house which make the house often very dark. 

The main materials used are wood and bamboo. Wood is used for the posts and roof framework whilst the walls and floor are made of bamboo and the roof covering is from the sago palm

That's all for Perak Traditional House. Do visit all of our entries to know more about the traditional houses. Thank You ! 



Hello ! Welcome to Pahang Traditional House.
ts take a look at the house... ^^ 

The traditional Malay house in Pahang called "Rumah Serambi Pahang" (serambi means veranda). Pahang House have three main sections including the Veranda or Malay called Serambi, Main Area or we called Ruang Tamu and the Kitchen.

 Pahang House has a long roof where the gable end (tabir layar)edged with carving."Ruang Serambi" or the main area, have space that called a platform or "pentas" and a living room (perbalai) and normally this area is used for welcoming the guest and at the back, this have "ruang serambi belakang" or "ruang kelek anak".
The bedrooms are located in the main area. the equipment and furniture it is same with other house,there have a twin bed or single, cupboard and mirror.

These are the view of this house, from three sides of views :

That's all for Pahang House and hope you enjoy it.
Thank You ^^

The other area is the kitchen. it is separate between the main area  and the kitchen, called "selang" or passage. The family will seat on the floor and eat together. At the middle of the house, there have a space and mostly, family will seat together and also will use for resting. 



Hello, Welcome to Penang Traditional House ! Look at the beatiful Traditional Penang House below.

Penang Traditional House is normaly similar to other traditional houses which made up of three main sections including the hall, kitchen and verandah. First of all, the Verandah is same like other house that usually used for resting, doing works and welcoming guests. This verandah is a connecting area between the indoor and outdoor of the house, which is an open space that have stairs and the door to the main area of the house. 

Next is the main area of the Penang Traditional House. In this area, it usually decorated with table and chair and also wall decorations. This area may be the largest area of the house where it used by the family as a resting place and doing works. 

Other than that, Penang House also have a kitchen area. Like other house, people usually use this area for cooking, preparing the meal and dining. They will keep the kitchen items in the kitchen and also a low table for dining. The family will sit at the table to enjoy their meal together. 

Furthermore, there are also a few bedrooms in a Penang Traditional House. The rooms basically have a few furnishing such as bed, cupboard and a makeup table or mirror. 

There are about 20 to 30 stilts on a Penang Traditional House. The roofs are made of Nipah tiles and also Rembia. The body of the house is made of woods such as Cengal and Meranti. 

That's all about the Penang Traditional House. Hope to see you again. Thank You !




Hello ! Welcome to Perlis Traditional House. Lets take a look at the house :)

  Just like the other Malay traditional house, Perlis House also have three main sections including the Verandah or Serambi, the Main Area or Ruang Tamu, and the Kitchen. The Verandah is a place for transition between the indoor and outdoor of the house. This area is used for working, resting or welcoming the guest who do not need to enter the house. 

The other area is the Bedroom. bedroom of this house is normally same like the other houses, whereas the rooms are equiped with single or twin bed, a cupboard and a mirror. The bedrooms are located in the Main house area. 

Other than that, there are also the living room or Ruang Tamu as the main area of the house. In this main area, the family will gather or use it as a place of resting. It is also function as a place to welcome guests. People usually decorate this area with chair and table, television, wall decorations and others. 


Lastly, there are also Kitchen area in the house. In kitchen, there will be equiped with some kitchen properties and cupboard for kitchen. This area is normally used for cooking and dining. The family will sit together on the floor and eat. 

The Perlis Long Roofed House comprised numerous of stilts where there are about 24 stilts on the main area. It has an elongated shape and a horizontal roof with 'tebar layar' at the ends. 

The Perlis House is made of Cengal and Damar Laut wood. It's wall are made of flattened bamboo strips interwoven in a pattern while the roofs are made of Rumbia or Nipah palm and sometimes the Senggora tiles. The Kitchen is not seperated by a dividing wall but only by a passage called the 'ruang selang'. 

These are the views of this house, from three sides of views.

That's all about the Perlis Traditional House. Please continue viewing other types of traditional house in till blog. Thank You !
